I'm on the hook to give a speech. We need an evaluator, and also a grammarian. The meeting is on! Roles: TMOD: Tim Lindamood Topicmaster: Jeff Zinn Grammarian: OPEN Thought for the Day: Frans Wethly Speaker 1: Bruce Lewis (speech #6 -- working with words) Evaluator 1: OPEN Timer: Kenneth Appleby General Evaluator: Lee Gesmer Time: 12:05 - 12:55 Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 Location: 40 Broad St, Boston, third floor, only place to go from the elevators. From the financial district, walk down Milk St or State St, whichever is closer to you, toward the waterfront. It's a block or two before the expressway, between Milk and State Sts. More directions are available at http://www.lgu.com/directions.shtml Looking forward to seeing you!