Most roles are filled for this meeting, but one key role is missing: toastmaster of the day (TMOD). Bruce Lewis will do it again if we don't get a volunteer at the meeting. We also have two items of business: One is officer elections for VP Education, VP Membership and Treasurer, as announced at our last meeting. The other item of business is schedule. Due to another toastmasters group in the area meeting 1st/3rd Wednesdays, I will propose moving our schedule to normally be 2nd/4th Wednesdays, excepting months where the 2nd or 4th Wednesday is next to a holiday. Roles: TMOD: OPEN Topicmaster: Dennis Toomey Grammarian: Ray Czwakiel Thought for the Day: Patrick Jones Speaker 1: Ken Appleby Evaluator 1: OPEN Timer: Frans Wethly General Evaluator: Lee Gesmer Time: 12:05 - 12:55 Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 Location: 40 Broad St, Boston, third floor, only place to go from the elevators. From the financial district, walk down Milk St or State St, whichever is closer to you, toward the waterfront. It's a block or two before the expressway, between Milk and State Sts. More directions are available at Looking forward to seeing you!